Notorious RGB: Image Processing in Javascript: Color Models

This is the second installment in a series of articles covering image processing in Javascript. In the previous installment I covered how to read the pixels of an image, process them on the GPU, and display them in the canvas. Check it out.

Look at this Photograph

Start editing photos right away with the demo site I built.

As a quick recap, we’re using GPU.js in order to parallelize our image processing algorithms. And here’s the code for displaying an image.

const gpu = new GPU({

const kernel = gpu.createKernel(function (image) {
  const pixel = image[this.thread.y][this.thread.x];
  const red = pixel[0];
  const green = pixel[1];
  const blue = pixel[2];
  this.color(red, green, blue, pixel[3]);
}, {
  graphical: true,
  output: [image.width, image.height]


The pixel data is stored as values of red, green, and blue intensities. This is common for digital image formats (such as PNG and GIF¹) and it makes sense. The physical pixels of a computer screen are made up of tiny red, green, and blue lights, which, when combined together allows us to perceive any color in the visible spectrum.

This is not the only way color can be represented. It works well when creating color with light sources, such as the LEDs in your computer monitor, but it doesn’t work well for other mediums. Consider painting your new picket fence. You wouldn’t mix red, green, and blue paint together and expect it to be white. The HOA will be knocking at your door. For this reason the RGB color model is considered an additive model. The more of each constituent color added makes the composite brighter. When working with inks, paints, etc., we’re working with a subtractive model. Rather than using lights to create color for us, we’d have an external light source projected onto our medium. Any pigments added to that medium absorb light and reflect the color you see. The standard model for adding colors in a subtractive fashion is CMYK, which stands for Cyan — Magenta — Yellow — Key. Key is the black component and is called as such because it adds the detail to the image, or so Wikipedia tells me. You may be familiar with them because they are most likely the inks in your color printer cartridge.

Let’s see what the CMYK channels look like individually.

Now let’s see how the CMYK channels overlap to create a natural colored image.

Convert RGB to CMYK (and back again)

Like RGB, we’ll work with CMYK values in the range 0 to 1. The formula for converting RGB to CMYK is as follows².

key = max(red, green, blue)
cyan = (1 - red - key) / (1 - key)
magenta = (1 - green - key) / (1 - key)
yellow = (1 - blue - key) / (1 - key)

And CMYK back to RGB

red = (1 - cyan) * (1 - key)
green = (1 - magenta) * (1 - key)
blue = (1 - yellow) * (1 - key)

Defining functions on the GPU.

In the previous tutorial we created kernel functions. These move our data onto the GPU for processing in parallel. We can also write functions that will work like regular Javascript functions but can be used in our kernels on the GPU. GPU.js provides a method to accomplish this: gpu.addFunction. It takes a named function as an argument. We use it here to help simply the code and make it more clear what the kernel is doing.

import { GPU } from 'gpu.js'

const gpu = new GPU();

const image = loadImage(); // -> HTMLImageElement

gpu.addFunction(function rgb2cmyk(red, green, blue) {
  const k = 1 - Math.max(red, Math.max(green, blue));
  const c = (1 - red - k) / (1 - k);
  const m = (1 - green - k) / (1 - k);
  const y = (1 - blue - k) / (1 - k);
  return [c, m, y, k];

gpu.addFunction(function cmyk2rgb(cyan, yellow, magenta, black) {
  const r = (1 - cyan) * (1 - black);
  const g = (1 - magenta) * (1 - black);
  const b = (1 - yellow) * (1 - black);
  return [r, g, b];

const kernel = gpu.createKernel(function cmykKernel(image, cm, mm, ym, bm) {
  const pixel = image[this.thread.y][this.thread.x];
  const red = pixel[0];
  const green = pixel[1];
  const blue = pixel[2];

  let [cyan, magenta, yellow, black] = rgb2cmyk(red, green, blue);

  cyan = Math.min(cyan * cm, 1);
  magenta = Math.min(magenta * mm, 1);
  yellow = Math.min(yellow * ym, 1);
  black = Math.min(black * bm, 1);

  // Now change back to RGB
  const [r, g, b] = cmyk2rgb(cyan, yellow, magenta, black);
  this.color(r, g, b, pixel[3]);
}, {
  graphical: true,
  output: [image.width, image.height]

kernel(image, 1, 1, 1, 1)

In this example we add rgb2cmyk and cmyk2rgb functions. On line 28 the RGB values are converted to CMYK. We can then do as we please with the CMYK values. On lines 30 through 33 they are multiplied by an argument to the kernel. Line 36 sees our altered CMYK values turned back to RGB so they can be written to the canvas.

Try this kernel out here.

HSV — A Can of Color

HSV, or Hue-Saturation-Value, is different from RGB and CMYK. Unlike them, it is not based on color mixing. Instead, it was designed to be more closely aligned with human perception of color. The HSV color model is often displayed as a cylinder.

Along the circumference of the cylinder are the fully saturated colors. Moving toward the center of the cylinder reduces the saturation, or intensity, of the color. Value is a measure of the color’s shade. A value of 0 is always black, and a value of 1 has no shading. Hue is a representation of color as an angle of rotation. At 0° is red. As we start rotating around the cylinder we reach green at 120°. The colors between 0° and 120° are a linear interpolation between red and green. The next 120° around the cylinder go from green to blue, and then blue back to red at 360°. I find it interesting that this linear interpolation produces Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow at midway point between the pure Red, Green, and Blue angles. To give an idea of how changing the hue works, the following image shows how an image would look with rotations in increments of 90° applied to every pixel.

Here is the code for transitioning between HSV and RGB color models. The color model conversion is a bit more complex than the CMYK but this code follows the same outline as the CMYK conversion example.

import { GPU } from 'gpu.js'

const gpu = new GPU();

const image = loadImage(); // -> HTMLImageElement

gpu.addFunction(function rgb2hsv(red, green, blue) {
  const cmax = Math.max(Math.max(red, green), blue);
  const cmin = Math.min(Math.min(red, green), blue);
  const delta = cmax - cmin;

  let hue = 0;
  if (delta === 0) {
    // hue is 0
  } else if (cmax === red) {
    hue = 60 * (((green - blue) / delta) % 6);
  } else if (cmax === green) {
    hue = 60 * (((blue - red) / delta) + 2)
  } else if (cmax === blue) {
    hue = 60 * (((red - green) / delta) + 4)

  let sat = 0
  if (cmax === 0) {
    // sat is 0
  } else {
    sat = delta / cmax

  const val = cmax;

  return [hue, sat, val];

gpu.addFunction(function hsv2rgb(hue, sat, val) {
  const c = val * sat;
  const x = c * (1 - Math.abs(((hue / 60) % 2) - 1));
  const m = val - c;

  let r = 0;
  let g = 0;
  let b = 0;
  if (0 <= hue && hue < 60) {
    r = c;
    g = x;
    b = 0;
  } else if (60 <= hue && hue < 120) {
    r = x;
    g = c;
    b = 0;
  } else if (120 <= hue && hue < 180) {
    r = 0;
    g = c;
    b = x;
  } else if (180 <= hue && hue < 240) {
    r = 0;
    g = x;
    b = c;
  } else if (240 <= hue && hue < 300) {
    r = x;
    g = 0;
    b = c;
  } else {
    r = c;
    g = 0;
    b = x;
  return [r + m, g + m, b + m];

const kernel = gpu.createKernel(function hsvKernel(image, hueRot, saturationMult, valueMult) {
  const pixel = image[this.thread.y][this.thread.x];
  const red = pixel[0];
  const green = pixel[1];
  const blue = pixel[2];

  let [hue, sat, val] = rgb2hsv(red, green, blue);

  hue = (hue + hueRot) % 360;
  sat = sat * saturationMult;
  val = val * valueMult;

  // Now change back to RGB
  let [r, g, b] = hsv2rgb(hue, sat, val);
  this.color(r, g, b, pixel[3]);
}, {
  graphical: true,
  output: [image.width, image.height]

kernel(image, 0, 1, 1);

Play with that kernel here!

There are plenty of other color models out there to explore. HSL, or HSB, (Hue — Saturation — Lightness/Brightness) is another common model similar in concept to HSV.

Footnotes [1] I’m going to wade into the GIF pronunciation debate just because I feel like it. Giraffe. [2] The formulas I’m using come from rapidtables.